Looking back, moving forward
There’s no denying that the year 2020 is one we’ll never forget - as much as we’d love to at times. As the year draws to a close, Women Connect president, Adele Slater, takes some time to reflect on the year that has passed, and to provide insights into what she thinks the future could hold . . .
2020 Vision
Like most Januarys, this year began with joy and celebrations. Individuals committed to New Year resolutions, businesses setting new goals, and across the world, a sense of excitement at what the year ahead could bring.
We could feel it, this would be our year to become the better version of ourselves, find the one, grow our business, travel the world. Our goals may have been different but the feeling of anticipation, which soon turned to disappointment, was much the same.
If we knew in January that life would be this way, would we have done anything differently?
Staying home
In March, the world ground to a halt. Divided by distance but united by one major concern, the seemingly unstoppable spread of Covid-19.
Those of you who regularly attended Women Connect events this year will know that I spent eight months on furlough, and are likely questioning why I think I can pass comment on the year that’s passed when I spent the majority of my time detached from my place of work.
You have a point, to some extent. But I would argue that I’m well placed to reflect on the year that’s passed us by. Because while others were focussed on their businesses survival, concerned that their customers wouldn’t or couldn’t pay, or worried about their staff’s mental health, I had the time to really listen to what people had to say.
From life coaches looking to guide clients through the stress of the pandemic, to communications professionals revising marketing messages to reflect the new normal, everyone was pulling together. We believed everything would sort itself out when things returned to normal. And then the realisation hit, what if the new normal just becomes normal?
Across the city we saw friends and family move to reduced hours, or worse being made redundant. But through fear and uncertainty we pulled together. At Women Connect, we extended memberships, and offered three months free membership to anyone unemployed, furloughed or launching their own company.
In times of uncertainty, it’s important that we stick to routines and continue to build our network. We cannot control the unknown, therefore we should not be afraid of it. It’s important that life, and business goes on.
Not another zoom call
As the weeks turned into months, our energy levels fell and people became complacent in their work and their relationships. Regardless of the occasion, theme or timing of the call, most people would groan ‘not another Zoom call’.
But alas, with the latest restrictions in place, keeping in touch by Zoom call is where we are. From our monthly Women Connect morning coffee and catch ups, to our lunch workshops and evening events, we aim to have something for everyone.
If you, or your business is struggling, but you want to stay part of Women Connect, please get in touch with the committee for an open and confidential conversation. We’re all in this together and if there’s a way to help, our committee will find it.
Looking to the future
There are tough times ahead, I won’t pretend that’s not the case, but I truly believe that next year is our year. I can feel it! By continuing to nurture our relationships and join in (yet another) Zoom call, we can stay in touch, build connections and drive our businesses forward.
After a whirlwind of a year, including a successful rebrand, website launch, series of events and our first ever newsletter, it saddens me to announce that I will be stepping away from the Women Connect committee.
There are lots of great events and promotions on the horizon, from life coaches to digital marketing training - and even more importantly wine tasting! I cannot wait to see what the future brings.
On behalf of the committee, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support throughout the year, and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.